Contrary to popular belief, prescription appetite suppressants, like Phentermine, do not offer dieters the best chance of success.
They obviously offer some level of support, if they didn’t doctors wouldn’t prescribe them, but all the options available are known to present the risk of nasty side effects. M
any supplement manufacturers have responded to this by developing capsules and tablets that offer dieters a safer alternative. It’s not a perfect world, so not all of them live up the manufacturer’s expectations and much of the marketing spiel can be taken with a pinch of salt.
However, there are a few options that are so good at curbing hunger urges and boosting weight loss, the results provided are far more notable than those dieters would normally obtain by using prescription appetite suppressants.
Three of the products on our list of top 5 appetite suppressants were developed to be Phentermine substitutes. The other two were not created with this in mind, but their ability to stop hunger is so good it would be criminal not to add them to our list.
Top 5 Appetite Suppressants
Table of Contents
PhenQ – Appetite Suppressant (and fat burner/fat blocker)
A world leader in weight loss, PhenQ is a diet pill marketed by Wolfson Berg.
Although it’s designed to suppress the appetite, and customers say it does this incredibly well, the ability to curb hunger is only one of several benefits PhenQ provides.
It’s also a fat blocker and fat burner. In fact, it offers dieters support in no less than five different ways. It’s an all-in-one weight loss solution. So people who are using PhenQ to suppress their appetite will not need to go shopping for other products to help speed up results.
PhenQ contains a few ingredients that can control hunger, but the most important one is nopal (opuntia ficus-indica) and it comes from a cactus plant that is often referred to as prickly pear.
Nopal was being used as an appetite suppressant hundreds of years before diet pills were invented. Indian tribesmen used to chew on a cube of nopal cactus flesh while they were on hunting trips. It took away their food cravings and helped them concentrate on what they needed to do.
Nopal is also a fat blocker and research conducted in 2014, proves that it works. If you are looking for an appetite suppressant that offers more, PhenQ should be right up your street and it also holds the distinction of being the first diet pill to be sold with a 60-day money back guarantee.
Click here to read full PhenQ review
Phen375 Appetite Suppressant (also a fat burner)
Phen375 is a Phentermine alternative that has got such a good reputation for delivering results its popularity has resulted in a problem with copycat products.
If you are considering buying some Phen375 you will need to bear this in mind and make sure you obtain it from the official website. It’s the only way to be certain you are getting the real Phen375. It’s also the only way you’ll get the benefit of the money back guarantee.
Often imitated, never bettered, Phen375 contains an advanced formula of pharmaceutical grade ingredients.
Although Phen375 is usually sought out by people who are looking for a good appetite suppressant or a Phentermine substitute, the product offers additional value in other areas. It contains ingredients that speed up the metabolism and get the body burning extra fat. Phen375 also prevents diet-related fatigue.
Although the formulation contains several natural appetite suppressants, L-Carnitine stands out as being a particularly valuable inclusion because research shows it has value both as a hunger controller and as an energy giver.
Click here to read full Phen375 review
Phentaslim – Appetite Suppressant (great for workouts)
A firm favourite with former Phentermine users, Phentaslim can banish hunger like nobody’s business and it’s a seriously good metabolism booster and fat burner too.
Thousands of people who have tried the prescription drug and then switched to Phentaslim say it was a change for the better because it helped them to lose weight without side effects. Judging by what people have stated in their reviews, Phentaslim also works faster than Phentermine and it has a money back guarantee too. You won’t get that with a prescription option.
Phentaslim is powered by 15 ingredients, most of them provide multiple benefits and several of them are known to present an appetite suppressing effect. Capsicum is probably the most potent inclusion.
Research proves the capsaicin it contains can suppress the appetite and it’s a proven fat burner as well.
Click here to read the full Phentaslim review
Gravitate Supersculpt – Appetite Suppressant (with glucomannan)
Supersculpt is one of two supplements developed by Gravitate Nutrition. The company’s other product is a vitamin and mineral provider called DietVIts.
It’s designed to be used in conjunction with their Supersculpt appetite suppressing pills. If dieters fail to opt for the right food choices, the fact that they are eating less food per day may result in nutritional deficiencies.
DietVits prevents this from happening and some of the ingredients, such as Chromium (controls blood sugar levels) and Vitamin B (good for the metabolism) should help provide further weight loss.
Although Gravitate Supersculpt is still a relatively new product, it has already earned the respect of dieters all over the world.
This is not surprising because the pills provide a generous dose of glucomannan (water soluble fiber) and its one of the best appetite suppressing ingredients known to man. Unlike some hunger quelling ingredients, glucomannan does not interfere with the way the body works.
It simply swells inside the stomach to create a feeling of fullness that suppresses the urge to eat. Supplements that contain glucomannan have to be taken with plenty of water because it is necessary to hydrate the fibers and taking it with two glasses of water if preferable to just one.
So, if you are looking for swell appetite suppressant, you may want to give Supersculpt a go. Customer reviews are excellent and there is nothing to lose because Gravitate offer a money back guarantee.
Click here to read the full Gravitate Supersculpt review
Proactol XS – Appetite Suppressant (also a fat binder)
Proactol XS is a fat blocker developed by Bauer Nutrition. Although it’s ability to control the appetite is only a secondary benefit it appears to do so extremely well.
This product has already helped a lot of people to say goodbye to their unwanted body fat and finally get slim. It’s ability to block dietary fat is obviously a big reason for the product’s success, but the majority of customers who have written Proactol XS reviews state they found it easy to stick to their meal plans and cut out snacking because the pill provided such a good hunger reducing effect.
Bauer have kept it simple with this product. Chitosan is the only active ingredient and, unlike the majority of supplement manufacturers, Bauer has avoided using the form of chitosan that is sourced from crab and lobster shells.
The chitosan in Proactol XS is taken from a species of fungus (aspergillus niger mycelium). There are no animal derived ingredients at all, so if you are looking for a vegan or vegetarian friendly appetite suppressant this one could be for you and it comes with a money back guarantee.
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