ZetaTrim is a diet pill produced in the USA by Vivid Health Nutrition.
According to Vivid Health Nutrition, use of the capsules can provide “high performance” fat burning and long-lasting appetite control; and an emblem on the product website suggests those results are guaranteed, but the terms of the guarantee are not specified.
ZetaTrim diet pills are available from three main sources:
- The Vivid Health Nutrition website
- The ZetaTrim website
- Amazon
A 1-month supply of pills costs $24.95 (about £18.00)from the Vivid Nutrition website. The price per bottle is the same on the ZetaTrim website but it offers bulk buy discounts the Vivid Health Nutrition website does not. Amazon customers may prove to be the smartest buyers though—two bottles can be purchased for $23.95, £17.50. UK and Ireland based customer may find purchasing problematic
The Zetratrim website is very American and UK and Ireland based potential customers may find ordering problematic.
Of all the ingredients within Zetraclear Garcinia Cambogia is of most interest. Garcinia Cambogia along with Raspberry Ketone are the two standout ingredients of the past few years
How the Formulation Stacks Up
Table of Contents
The ZetaTrim formulation has not been crammed with too many ingredients—always a good sign—but some of the ingredients are housed in a proprietary blend, so not all inclusion rates are available.
- B Vitamins are quite common in weight loss supplements because they can help ensure an efficient metabolism. They are also required for many other functions and can help reduce feeling of stress, so B vitamins are always a worthwhile supplement inclusion.
- Chromium may also have merit, but the waters are a little cloudy at the moment. Some studies support its fat burning abilities, others do not. The University of Maryland Medical Centre has reviewed much of the data presently available and states, “If chromium does work for weight loss, it seems that the effects are small compared to those of exercise and a well-balanced diet.”
Guarana is a caffeine provider with a slow-release nature. Caffeine offers a number of benefits, but the one of most probable value here is appetite suppression. In general the effects of caffeine do not last particularly long, but because guarana realises it more slowly the promise of “long-lasting appetite control” has a certain amount of merit.
- Fucoxanthin is a seaweed derivative. Further study is required, but trials carried out by Japanese researchers suggest fucoxanthin may have the ability to initiate fat burning in the white adipose tissue. Unfortunately, the Japanese study was conducted on rodents. Human test subjects may not respond in the same way.
- E&Z guggulsterones has probably been included here to encourage increased thyroid activity. Thyroid hormones have a positive influence on the metabolism, and guggulsterones are often believed to be good for providing the necessary stimulation, but the ingredient is probably more useful for lowering cholesterol levels.
- DHEA: A hormone produced by the human adrenal glands. It appears to be capable of speeding the metabolism, so synthetic forms (usually created from soy or wild yam) are often incorporated into weight loss blends. An article published on the Mayo Clinic website suggest the use of DHEA may have merit, but states further “higher quality” studies are needed.
Garcinia Cambogia is rich in HCA (hydroxycitric acid), a compound that can suppress citrate lyase. This an important ability because the body requires a sufficient amount of citrus lyase whenever excess carbohydrates need to be stored as body fat. Although the product label does not mention the garcinia cambogia inclusion rate, the ZetaTrim websites states two capsules provide 200mg. Some alternative dieting options offer a more potent dose, but 200mg should be enough to contribute to the promised weight loss results. As an ingredient, garcinia cambogia has gone from strength to strength in recent year and is known to be a dieting favourite with many stars including Oprah Winfrey and Christina Aguilera.
Zetatrim Dosage
Capsules must always be taken with water, but never within six hours of retiring to bed.
Two doses are required each day (maximum of 4 capsules per day):
- On waking (2 capsules)
- Half an hour before lunch (2 capsules)
Zetatrim Customer Feedback
The ZetaTrim website showcases two customer testimonials. One from a customer who claims a weight loss 48lbs and one from a customer who states a weight loss of 53lbs was achieved.
Independent reviews are hard to find and far too limited in number to enable effective speculation on blend potential.
Zetatrim Side Effects & Health Issues
Given the ingredients involved, side effects are not likely, but pregnant or breast-feeding mothers should not consume any brand of supplement unless its use has been approved by a doctor. Individuals with existing health problems should be equally cautious.
Alternative Diet Pills
As highlighted above, the ingredient isn’t that bad, it is the quantity of each ingredient that is of concern.
Garcinia Cambogia is arguably the best natural weight loss ingredient to be commercialised over the last few years. There are lots of misconceptions and untruths about Garcinia Cambogia.
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