Leanbean slimming pills are intended for women. It’s suitable for vegetarians, contains only natural ingredients and, although it’s not been around for as long as many other female slimming pills, it’s generally considered to be the most powerful supplement of its kind.
Customers appear to love Leanbean and there’s such a good vibe about it a lot of women have contacted us to ask for a review.
Usually slimming products and diet pills are not gender specific – than can be used by both men and women.
That’s why we were quite surprised when we began evaluating the Leanbean formulation and discovered it contains some very female-friendly ingredients, including one that could make it particularly viable for women who are struggling with their weight because of hormonal changes caused by menopause.
Leanbean can ordered directly from the manufacturers website. The official website is easy to navigate and multiple currency option are available – £ for the UK and € for Ireland and other European countries. There are of course an option for US$ as well.
There are special offers in place with the current best offer being buy 3 and get 1 free. There is also a free workout guide. Delivery is also free anywhere in the world.
Click here to view latest special offers for leanbean female slimming pills
Leanbean Slimming Pills Benefits
Table of Contents
- Provides a firm, flat stomach
- Tones arms and legs
- Provides a pert and peachy butt
- Boosts energy levels
- Encourages an overall sense of well-being
Active Ingredients and Blend Viability
Four capsules provide:
Green Tea (200mg): Probably the best natural fat burner in the world, green tea’s abilities as a metabolism booster and thermogenic fat burner can be supported by the data garnered from many clinical trials. And the results of one study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, show the effects can last for up to 24 hours. Research also suggests green tea compounds may be useful for breast cancer prevention and treatment, so it’s a very good ingredient to have.
- Green Coffee Bean (6000mg): The chlorogenic acid provided by green coffee bean extract assists weight loss in several ways. It boosts the metabolism, encourages thermogenic fat burning, and prevents the post-eating blood sugar level fluctuations that may trigger a desire for sweet and sugary food.
- Acai Berry (800mg): An appetite suppressing berry extract. Science shows women are not as good at resisting hunger urges as men are, so any slimming pills made with women in mind needs to contain good appetite suppressants and acai is one of the best. It also accelerates the metabolism and provides antioxidants that encourage a better state of health.
Turmeric Powder (200mg): A spice that contains curcumin. It’s sometimes added to slimming pills because it accelerates the metabolism. It also fights inflammation and clinical trials show it can be good for alleviating the symptoms of PMS. The big problem with curcumin is it’s very hard to absorb, but research shows piperine (also included in the formulation) can improve curcumin absorption by up to 2000%.
- Black Pepper Extract (20mg): The active compound in black pepper is piperine and it’s added to supplements because it improves the bioavailabilty of other ingredients.
- Glucomannan (500mg): A powerful appetite suppressant that’s also useful for managing cholesterol levels. Studies prove that it works in both regards and glucomannan also helps promote good intestinal health.
Garcinia Cambogia Extract (400mg): A popular appetite suppressing ingredient. Garcinia cambogia also discourages fat cell formation.
- Raspberry Ketones (8mg): Another very credible appetite suppressing ingredient. Research shows raspberry ketones has the potential to further assist weight loss by improving lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation.
- Cayenne Pepper (60mg): A versatile slimming pill ingredient obtained from red peppers. Cayenne has proven value as a hunger controller, but is often more highly regarded for it’s prowess as a thermogenic fat burner.
- Vitamin B6 (3.72mg): A key ingredient in Red Bull, Vitamin B6 helps the body extract energy from food. It has added value here because it’s believed to provide relief from the mood swings and irritability caused by the hormonal changes that occur during menopause and have been linked to weight gain.
- Vitamin B12 (6.4ug): Another Red Bull ingredient. Vitamin B6 assists DNA synthesis and cellular energy production.
- Chromium (120ug): A mineral that boasts a scientifically proven ability to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose control. Chromium has value as a weight loss aid because its ability to do these things allows it to prevent blood sugar spikes that could trigger a desire for sweet food.
Leanbean Customer Comments and Feedback
Here are some of the comments made about Leanbean slimming pills from customers:
Leanbean Slimming Pills Side Effects
No side effects have been reported, but women who are pregnant or breastfeeding an infant are advised to obtain a doctor’s approval before using this or any other supplement. The same advice is offered to potential users who have existing health problems and to anyone using medication(s).
There’s a 90-day money back guarantee.
The Final Appraisal
You’ve only got to take a look at the capabilities of the ingredients to see Leanbean slimming pills have been formulated with women in mind and it’s virtues as an appetite suppressant are particularly notable.
There are 12 ingredients in the formulation. Five of them are known to be good for controlling hunger and two of the other inclusions can help prevent sugar urges.
The formulation also boasts some good metabolism boosters and fat burners and several of the inclusions provide benefits many women will appreciate, including relief from the symptoms of PMS.
Leanbean ticks all the right boxes as far as we are concerned and we are happy to give it our highest recommendation.
Where To Buy Leanbean Slimming Pills
Available from the official website only. There are special offers in place with the current best offer being buy 3 and get 1 free. There is also a free workout guide. Delivery is also free anywhere in the world.
The price is already very fair for a product of this quality, but bulk buy incentives are available for anyone who wants to stretch their money further and get an even better deal.
Click here to view special offers from the official Leanbean website
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